Tax News for December 2019
Tax Topic: US Congressional negotiators reach year-end tax deal
Tax Summary:- US House and Senate reached a tax deal on December 17, 2019. The tax deal will be incorporated into the 2020 spending bill.
- The tax deal includes: "extenders," ACA tax repeals, disaster relief, and more.
- The tax deal extends expiring provisions, including biodiesel credits, short-line railroad credits, New Markets Credit,Work Opportunities Credit, and more.
- The tax deal repeals three ACA taxes, including medical device excise tax, Cadillac tax, and health insurane provider fee.
- The tax plan sets short-term tax relief provisions for victims in federally-declared natural disasters.
Tax Topic: Proposal for a global minimum tax
Tax Summary:
- OECD/G20, which includes 135 member countries, is considering a global minimum corporate income tax to target multinationals.
- The proposal is part of Pillar Two, or the GloBE Proposal, which focuses on taxing the digital economy.
- The GloBE proposal introduces two new taxes on multinational profits:
- a global minimum tax on corporate profits
- a base erosion tax
Tax Topic: The IRS enhances its Free File Program
Tax Summary:- The IRS added to its Free File Program, which is an agreement with tax preparation companies focused on allowing qualified taxpayers to file their tax returns for free.
- The government program provides free tax-prep software to U.S. taxpayers with incomes below $69,000.
- The changes to the Free File Program include: baring the tax-prep firms from manipulating free-tax prep search algorithms on Google as well as initiating an IRS digital filing system.
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